
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Journal 7- Professional Learning Networks

I see professional learning networks as a valuable resource.  As teachers many of us have been sharing ideas in the hallways and in lunchrooms for years.  Fairly recently a whole new world of sharing possibilities has opened up with not only professional learning networks , but also with sties like Teachers Pay Teachers and Pinterest.  These new opportunities save time and expand our pool of resources exponentially, ultimately to the benefit of the learners.

I use Teachers Pay Teachers often as a go to for already prepared materials.  My students recently wanted to learn about horses, so rather than spend days learning about horses myself and developing a unit, I was able to easily access many well developed units on TPT.  This is a very affordable time saver.  Also, I needed a new, cute Thanksgiving project to do with my class.  Pinterest is my go to for finding tons of easy and creative projects to do with my class.   I just can’t believe all of the great ideas and materials we all have access to now!

On my Digg feed, I found myself mostly looking at a site called “A Place Called Kindergarten” and “Chalktalk: A kindergarten Blog.”  I would get lost in these sites because there are so many ideas and one leads to another.  Before I know it an hour has passed and I hadn’t gotten to other feeds.  I love having a list of feeds to refer to, however I lack time to look into most of them.  With these feeds the searching is more open ended than sties like TPT and Pinterest where I can search for the topic I need and not get lost in all of the other ideas.

Classroom 2.0 is the affinity group I joined.  I found some posts to be inspirational and reassuring as a teacher and in reflecting on the profession.  Overall, I found the site itself to be overwhelming.  I searched fairly long and often, and found mostly resources for older students.  There could be more for primary students that I didn’t find.  I also like the offerings of webinars.  I can see myself participating in these after I get all of my graduate work done.

Through using a blog in this 512 class, I can see how it would be a valuable resource for teachers to have their students hand in work.  It’s easy for a teacher to click and view the students’ portfolios of blog posts, which can contain texts, images, videos etc.  There is also a record of interaction with other students through responses.  I could see using this or an app like Edmodo for this purpose.
Of all of the tools we tried in this class, I spent the least amount of time with Twitter.  I know there are others like it, like Kik and Instagram.  A tool like this could be interesting to use on a field trip.  A teacher could possibly design and interactive activity like a treasure hunt with a tool like this.  I could see that being really engaging for the students!